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Reformer EVERY day for 2 years!

What does it feel like to do a Pilates class EVERY day for 2 years?

We sit down with one of our original members and Pilates addict Rennah. Rennah leads the Pilates Haus member class leaderboard at a whopping 740 classes! Wowzers - Inspiring and strong, Rennah is a Pilates Haus regular, who enjoys a chat and a GNT. You'll find her motivating the class daily with her singing and refusal to stop or give up - no matter how hard it gets lol

As a dedicated yoga for many years- what made you move from yoga to pilates?

You! Lol. After years of doing a sport that was hard on my body, I turned to yoga as a form of physical and mental rehabilitation. I was at a point where I wanted to try something new, and Rayna had been trying to convert me for a while.

I gave in and I am now totally addicted. I have many sporting injuries that use to flare up while doing yoga. I can honestly say I have been symptomatic-free for quite a while, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get sore. Trust me I do but it’s muscle soreness, not pain.

You’ve completed 740 classes! The MOST classes out of all the members. Umm wowsers, that’s impressive - you are a machine! How do you feel about that? Humble !! I am inspired by all the other members who show up every day. I love watching how far so many members have come and hearing what other people have gone through, yet show up – that’s inspiring.

What motivates you to get up every day at 5 am and get to class?

So many things! I love a good sunrise, knowing how good I feel after an early start and doing an early class. My boys swim early mornings so it works well into my routine to drop them at the pool at 5.45 am and head straight to class. I finish in time to pick them up and head home and we are all energised to get on with our day.

The cold brings on new challenges, but knowing that my boys are in the cold water and I am in a warm studio.. well there is no comparison or complaining on my behalf. I have always been an early riser so it has been years of practice and now a habit.

What is the main benefit you have felt from attending classes regularly?

I would have to say pelvic stability, strength and endurance. I had children later in life and let’s just say things didn’t quite go to plan and even after post-birth complications and surgery I was not in a good place. My core, pelvic and hip stability is the best it has ever been since doing Pilates.

Fav class or exercise?

I love HIIP, Dynamic and a strong leg class, courtesy lounges and all things PLANK! Any version.

When you’re not at the studio where can we find you?

Everywhere! In the morning Corrimal pool drop-off, soccer training at Kembla Grange in the afternoon, local and Sydney soccer on the weekends, swimming carnivals, Rixons.. oh and work! I work full-time hours in four days (Tues-Fri) and fit all those other household duties in there somehow.

Thank you for showing up and keeping everyone motivated in class (Rennah likes to bust out in song during the burn 🔥😅) What advice would you have for anybody wanting to start Pilates?

There are so many physical and mental benefits to moving and Pilates does cover it all. It’s like you are working from the inside out, the inner work of transformation leads to external changes that you can put into action towards your goals :)

Thanks for sharing Rennah and being an integral part of our Pilates Haus community.

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